Free At Random The Reminiscences of Bennett Cerf

[Free Ebook.otFD] At Random The Reminiscences of Bennett Cerf

[Free Ebook.otFD] At Random The Reminiscences of Bennett Cerf

[Free Ebook.otFD] At Random The Reminiscences of Bennett Cerf

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[Free Ebook.otFD] At Random The Reminiscences of Bennett Cerf

Ive got the name for our publishing operation. We just said we were going to publish a few books on the side at random. Lets call it Random House. So recounts Bennett Cerf in this wonderfully amusing memoir of the making of a great publishing house. An incomparable raconteur, possessed of an irrepressible wit and an abiding love of books and authors, Cerf brilliantly evokes the heady days of Random Houses first decades. Part of the vanguard of young New York publishers who revolutionized the book business in the 1920s and 30s, Cerf helped usher in publishings golden age. Cerf was a true personality, whose other pursuits (columnist, anthologist, author, lecturer, radio host, collector of jokes and anecdotes, perennial judge of the Miss America pageant, and panelist on Whats My Line) helped shape his reputation as a man of boundless energy and enthusiasm and brought unprecedented attention to his company and to his authors. At once a rare behind-the-scenes account of book publishing and a fascinating portrait of four decades worth of legendary authors, from James Joyce and William Faulkner to Ralph Ellison and Eudora Welty, At Random is a feast for bibliophiles and anyone whos ever wondered what goes on inside a publishing house. Le Live Marseille : aller dans les plus grandes soires Retrouvez toutes les discothque Marseille et se retrouver dans les plus grandes soires en discothque Marseille Hal Block - Wikipedia Background Hal Block was born August 2 1913 in Chicago Illinois and was raised in the Hyde Park area According to Gil Fates producer of the What's My Line Bennett Cerf - Wikipedia Biography Bennett Cerf was born on May 25 1898 in Manhattan New York to a Jewish family of Alsatian and German origin Cerf's father Gustave Cerf was a Lootcoza: Sitemap 9789583016936 9583016934 Francis Bacon - Retrato de Una Pesadilla 4995879236796 Starlight Lounge (Import) Brigette 9780300115062 0300115067 The Invisible Museum Grandma's Wash Day - Snopescom The definitive Internet Grandmas Wash Day Description of how laundry was done in bygone days? Penguin Random House First to Read Early access to Penguin Random Houses hottest new titles Judy Garland on drugs drink suicide attempts and her Judy Garland never finished more than 65 pages of the memoir in which she wanted to reveal her side of her very public struggles from the age of three that led to Bennett Cerf - NNDB Bennett Cerf AKA Bennett Alfred Cerf Founder of Random House Birthplace: Manhattan NY Location of death: Mount Kisco NY Cause of death: unspecified Remains The Books of the Century 1900-1999 - ocfberkeleyedu 1900: Fiction Bestsellers 1 Mary Johnston To Have and To Hold 2 Mary Cholmondeley Red Pottage 3 Robert Grant Unleavened QQ - qq
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